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Colleagues, comrades, and friends have this to say about Organic Revolutionary:

Stuart Hill
Professor Emeritus, Social Ecology
University of Western Syndey, Australia

Mega well done – a great tour de force – stories that needed to be told – and a great ending – fanaticism, intolerance and a sense of superiority so often undermine genuine doable next-step progress 

Joe Smillie
Organic Consultant 
Previously Chair of OTA, Founding Member IOIA, NOSB Member,
QAI Vice President
South Burlington, Vermont

This book is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand the events and ideas pivotal to the growth of the organic sector in the US.

Tena Starr
News Editor
The Chronicle
Barton, Vermont

…a provocative book written about an interesting time, an important movement, and a Northeast Kingdom woman’s role.

Brian Obach

Professor of Sociology &

Director of Environmental Studies

State University of NY, New Paltz

Gershuny’s central role in some of the most important developments in that [organic movement] history make Organic Revolutionary a must read for anyone interested in this subject.

Graham Bell

The Red Shed Nursery

Permaculture Association, UK

Coldstream, Berwickshire, Scotland

I recommend this book to anyone interested in setting standards.  Grace delineates her progress from hippy farmer to state legislator in great detail.  In the process she describes the challenge of setting standards for organic production in the US.  Because the book took fifteen years to write there are great changes in mood.  For those similarly challenged with ‘What is a good standard’ (a debate raging in various permaculture circles right now) it clearly states the different positions people will take: purist and enabler would be the extremes...
Meanwhile a very worthwhile read.  I particularly like the section: ‘Soil is anything but pure’.  Quote: ‘the reductionist model of nutrition gives no indication of the vital, living quality of a food product.’  ‘Those that respect the law and love sausage should watch neither being made’ – Mark Twain (AKA Sam Clements) and lastly: ‘Yet in fact the push for higher standards actually made it easier for the large, professional business organisations than for smaller owner-operators.  They were simply better equipped to deal with the increasingly finicky and paperwork heavy demands of organic certification.’  A salutary lesson for us all.
Howie Ross, aka 'Mr. Awganic'
Owner , Urban Legends
Nelson, British Columbia, Canada

What you are about to read is the real life, real time, real
personal story of a true pioneer who rode the organic wave
from the grass roots movement it once was, into the legislative
hard core battlefield of government regulation and
rule making process. Grace contributed to, and survived
the journey of the creation of “organic” as we know it today.
Hers is a compelling tale of the inner workings of the organic
community and the organic industry and the processes
and characters involved. 

Reeve Lindbergh

Author, Under a Wing, The Midnight Farm

Passumpsic, Vermont

Grace Gershuny, a founding member of the American organic
agriculture movement and a long-time organic farmer,
has written a thoughtfully comprehensive, entertaining,
and deeply personal account of her adventures in the movement
and on the land. Like that of most revolutionaries,
Grace Gershuny’s journey has been long and complicated,
with exhilarating highs and inevitable disappointments over
time. Her story is an important one and her ultimate conclusions,
along with her hopes for the future, are optimistic for
the new generation of organic farmers. 

Bryan Endres

Associate Professor of Food and Agricultural Law 

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 

I really appreciated your insight into the organic regulation development process as I had not yet seen that perspective reflected in print and from a credible source.  I will certainly be referencing it in future work.

J. Heckman

Professor Soil Science, Rutgers University

& Board Member of NOFA-NJ

Organic Revolutionary makes a valuable contribution to organic agriculture history.  It reads like a memoir about how the USDA National Organic Standards came about.

Pascual Delgado
Artist, Community Organizer
Montreal, Quebec
Organic Revolutionary narrates the life of a woman at the vanguard of the struggle for True Food, rhizomatically woven with the flight path of the global resistance to the increasing industrialization of synthetic, genetically-altered “food.” One can hardly separate the biography of Grace Gershuny from her exemplary work to make us all better and healthier human beings.
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